Thursday, 10 February 2011

Cloud Computing – Inevitable?

This week someone asked me “Is cloud computing inevitable?” Will we only be using cloud systems in business and other organisations by say 2015?

This article written for the IT Faculty of the ICAEW provides a summary for management of the types and uses of cloud computing, together with the pros and cons.

Monday, 7 February 2011

News Update - Monday 7/2/11

Here's the pick of the last week's news stories that are likely to impact your business:

Payments using mobile phones: O2 announces plans to use Near Field Communication (NFC) technology on the latest mobiles

Microblogging within businesses: New services appearing to let personnel communicate through microblogging

Social productivity: Now has bought Manymoon, here’s another way for personnel to communicate to share, track and complete work items

Web sites for tablets: Here are some design tips to let your website appear well on a tablet computer