Thursday, 10 March 2011

Mobile Apps for Profit - To Improve Business Processes

The new smartphones, iPad2 and other tablets provide portability to open up new opportunities for sales and business efficiency.

Whether it’s management information or apps for mobile workers, business processes can be done better, faster, cheaper.

This article I’ve written for the ICAEW provides some examples. What are the possibilities in your business?

Monday, 7 March 2011

News Update - Monday 7/3/11

Here's the pick of the last week's news stories that are likely to impact your business:

Tablets: Launch of the iPad2 and competitors puts tablets firmly on the map as business tools

Remote access to your PC: GoToMyPC for iPad lets you use your PC from an iPad

Mobile apps: Tools are becoming available to create DiY apps for smartphones and tablets

Cloud continuity: Problems with Google’s Gmail service shows how important it is to check your cloud providers’ backup, recovery and continuity arrangements