Tuesday, 5 October 2010

SaaS Cloud Computing – Is It Worth The Hype?

As with every other generation of computing, SaaS (Software as a Service) cloud computing is portrayed as wonderful. Best thing since sliced bread. Or at least since silicon chips.

But does it live up to the hype?

It’s clear that there are substantial benefits with SaaS cloud computing. We looked at some of them before, including better remote access, potentially better backup and disaster recovery, and typically quicker to start implementation (though is very similar thereafter).

But is it all a bed of roses? With other types of computing  it’s only by addressing the pitfalls and risks that the benefits can be properly realised. Is SaaS cloud computing any different?

Of course not. Let’s look at what cloud computing really is.


SaaS is actually “outsourced hosting of packaged software, provided as a service”:
  • “Outsourced” means handing control of day to day activities to a third party, with all the benefits and drawbacks that brings, such as needing a clear exit path
  • “Hosting” means data will be held somewhere else, potentially overseas. Many SaaS systems are hosted by a company other then the software provider.
  • “Packaged software” means it has all the benefits and disadvantages of on-premise packaged software, and has similar characteristics to on-premise software of equivalent complexity
  • "Provided as a service" means you do not have to pay for the IT infrastructure, you just pay for use of the system (in one of a number of ways)
There are other forms of cloud computing if you want to develop your own apps and/or host your own apps.


Firstly it is worth properly understanding  the pros and cons of SaaS cloud before subscribing for any service. That way you can avoid unsuitable providers, and put the right internal practices in place

Secondly don't believe the hype. Statements such as "Security is not an issue" and "Data centre location is not an issue" should be taken with a massive pinch of salt. Next week we'll look at statements like these and the reality behind them.

Thirdly think very carefully about adopting the DiY shortcuts many cloud providers suggest. Change management, project management, data conversion, and many other aspects of an implementation are similar if not identical between SaaS and on-premise solutions:

Lastly, if in doubt ask. We're happy to help.


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