Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Cloud Computing - Selecting a SaaS System

When I first used an application that was provided as "Software as a Service" (SaaS), there were five clear benefits:
  1. We had access to an internet-enabled system that couldn’t be afforded in-house
  2. The system could be used and maintained from anywhere in the world with an internet connection
  3. The provider looked after all the data security, administration and disaster recovery
  4. Payment only had to be made according to the extent used.
  5. We could start using the system straight away
These benefits are still applicable today with SaaS cloud systems.

However when you go looking for a cloud system, the choice is very much dependent on which sector. There’s lots of choice for bookkeeping and CRM, for example, but less for more elaborate systems.

With cloud systems, they are typically “multi-tenancy”, which means all the users share the same functional software code. It may be possible to bolt extra customised functions on, but this shouldn’t be taken for granted. Whilst customising an on-premise package itself is best avoided, there are times when the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. But with SaaS cloud packages, in-app customisation is almost always unavailable.

So when choosing software it is worth checking that the software will do the job you need of it today and as far as can be foreseen for the next few years. A concise formal specification covering the key points helps. Cloud apps can usually be trialed relatively easily, but it’s important this is done thoroughly for any app of business importance.

In practice you may need to look at cloud solutions alongside on-premise solutions. Running a selection project involving SaaS cloud solutions is therefore somewhat different from pure on-premise. Here is a selection process summary which I hope you find useful.

If you would like to discuss this further, do ring 01628 632914 or contact me by email


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