Now you want to forecast sales, cost of sales and gross profit by month. You may have significantly different sales prices, purchase costs or shipment costs in different countries. What about currency and management of currency exposures?
You’ll also want to report actual information against budgets and re-forecasts.
There are just too many dimensions for Excel to handle comfortably. So you have three choices:
- Somehow set up all the spreadsheets and consolidate them
- Simplify the situation into groups of products, groups of countries, and ignore salesperson
- Use a multi-dimensional software tool which lets you look at each dimension, and adds everything up for you automatically
If you would like to discuss your options in more detail do contact me by email or ring me on 01628 632914.
ReplyDeleteI have encountered this situation many times and, as result we have developed a multi-dimensional budgeting solution, DBBudget to address the situation. We have completed the development and are putting the finishing touches to the documentation and supporting materials with a planned release early in 2011.
Jason Raikes